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Unit History


The 150th Rifle Division was formed in August 1939. The original regiments were:


-469th Rifle Regiment
-674th Rifle Regiment
-756th Rifle Regiment

-328th Light Artillery Regiment

-418th Howitzer Regiment


The 150th Rifle Division first saw combat during the Soviet-Finnish Winter War under the 13th Army. It was sent to and fought at the eastern-most point of the Mannerheim Line. The Mannerheim Line was made up of hastily built trenches and bunkers that were meant to “impede” the Soviet advance, not actually stop it. But the Finnish repelled the Red Army successfully, inflicting heavy casualties especially on the 150th Rifle Division.


Some of the remaining regiments of the 150th Rifle Division also took part in the invasion of Poland in September of 1939.


Hitler invaded the Soviet Union in 1941 (aka Operation Barbarossa); during which the 150th Rifle Division advanced to General Kleist’s Mius River line and was assigned to the 57th Army. (The Red Army would not succeed in breaking through this fortified defensive line until August of 1943)

The 57th Army joined in Marshal Timoshenko’s failed offensive south of Kharkov in 1942. The 150th Rifle Division found itself trapped in the Izium Pocket and by the end of May, the Division was ultimately destroyed.


In June of 1942, the 150th Rifle Division was reactivated under a completely new identity, the 150th Siberian Volunteer Rifle Division. At this time the new 150th regiments were:


-469th Rifle Regiment
-674th Rifle Regiment
-756th Rifle Regiment
-328th Light Artillery Regiment


The 150th Siberian Volunteer Rifle Division was sent under the 41st Army of the Kalinin Front in the fall of 1942. The division took part in “Operations Mars” in November 1942 launching coordinated thrusting attacks on the Rzhev Salient to destroy Army Group Center, which the Red Army failed.


During the intense fighting during “Operation Uranus” the 150th Rifle Division found itself south of the town of Bely, from November to December of 1942. During that short period, the 150th Rifle Division suffered over 60% casualties.


In September of 1943 the 150th Rifle Division was reformed for a second and final time. It’s strength was drawn from the existing 127th, 144th, and 151st Rifle Brigades. All three formations were renumbered the 469th, 674th, and 756th Rifle Regiments to keep with the numbering of the original 150th Rifle Divisions original regiments.


The honorary title of “Idritskaya” was bestowed upon the division for its role in the battle for Idritsa in July 1944. The fighting for this settlement resulted in heavy casualties, but resulted in a Red Army victory.


In 1944, The 150th Rifle Division was placed under the 3rd Shock Army throughout the campaigns in Belorussia, East Prussia, and Germany. Amongst a few others, the 150th Rifle Division was tasked with storming and hanging the Soviet banner upon the Reichstag during the Battle for Berlin 1945. Elements of the 150th Rifle Division accomplished this. 




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